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利用有限元软件ABAQUS,结合用户自定义Python程序,开展地震断层作用下深海管道局部变形和压溃过程的数值模拟。分析均质土体和随机分布土体模型的地震断层位移大小对管道局部变形的影响,并分析断层诱发的局部挤压变形对管道压溃压力的影响。研究表明:相比于断层走向与管道轴线方向垂直的走滑断层,断层走向与管道轴线方向夹角为45°的走滑断层作用下管道的压溃压力较小,且当断层走向为管道轴线方向逆时针旋转45°时,左旋走滑断层作用下管道的压溃压力低于右旋走滑断层作用下的管道压溃压力。断层位移相同时,管道径厚比越大,压溃压力越小。考虑土壤随机性时,由于APIX65钢制管道刚性较大,且管道两侧土体内聚力和摩擦角分散于均质土壤土体参数均值两侧,因此断层作用过程中管道受到的土压力在均质土壤模型中的土压力数值处上下波动。  相似文献   
舟山北部海域海底第四系淡水资源赋存潜力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解东海舟山北部海域海底第四系淡水资源赋存情况,本文在系统分析舟山北部海域地质钻孔和单道地震资料基础上,分析了研究海域海底第四纪地层结构与沉积环境,阐述了研究海域海底松散沉积物分布规律,探讨了上海陆地地区早更新世中、晚期和早期古河道在研究海域的延伸和分布状况,分析了研究海域海底第四系含水层赋存状况。研究海域第四系可供开发利用的主要含水层为早更新世中、晚期的第四承压含水层(Ⅳ)和早更新世早期的第五承压含水层(Ⅴ);第四承压含水层古河道分布区富水性最佳,含水层顶部发育厚层黏性土隔水层区域赋存淡水资源的可能性很大,含水层开发利用潜力可分为开发前景良好A区、开发前景较好B区和开发前景一般C区3类;第五承压含水层在古河道分布区富水性强,具有很好的淡水赋存潜力和良好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   
River deltas and associated turbidity current systems produce some of the largest and most rapid sediment accumulations on our planet. These systems bury globally significant volumes of organic carbon and determine the runout distance of potentially hazardous sediment flows and the shape of their deposits. Here we seek to understand the main factors that determine the morphology of turbidity current systems linked to deltas in fjords, and why some locations have well developed submarine channels while others do not. Deltas and associated turbidity current systems are analysed initially in five fjord systems from British Columbia in Canada, and then more widely. This provides the basis for a general classification of delta and turbidity current system types, where rivers enter relatively deep (>200 m) water. Fjord-delta area is found to be strongly bimodal. Avalanching of coarse-grained bedload delivered by steep mountainous rivers produces small Gilbert-type fan deltas, whose steep gradient (11°–25°) approaches the sediment's angle of repose. Bigger fjord-head deltas are associated with much larger and finer-grained rivers. These deltas have much lower gradients (1.5°–10°) that decrease offshore in a near exponential fashion. The lengths of turbidity current channels are highly variable, even in settings fed by rivers with similar discharges. This may be due to resetting of channel systems by delta-top channel avulsions or major offshore landslides, as well as the amount and rate of sediment supplied to the delta front by rivers. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
鉴于海底管道的服役水深越来越深,主要采用犁式挖沟机对预铺设于海床之上的海底管道采取后挖沟的方式将海底管道埋设于海床之下,以保护其免受不必要的损伤。针对后挖沟深度H是海底挖沟机的重要设计参数,也是影响管道悬跨的重要因素的问题,对SMD(UK)犁式挖沟机展开参数优化,确保作业过程中悬跨段管道在外部静水压力作用下,海底管道不会发生屈曲破坏。采用ABAQUS软件,分别建立了作业前和作业中两种工况下的悬跨模型,分析机械手对接触部分管道的损伤,结果显示,作业中的机械手对悬跨管道的损伤更大;同时,建立了作业中不同管径下,后挖沟深度对管道损伤的安全裕量关系曲线。进一步,结合作业中不同挖沟深度下的管跨段屈曲数值模型,对处于外部静水压力作用下的悬跨管的屈曲失效展开分析,结果显示,随着后挖沟深度的加大,不同管径下的悬跨段管道局部出现塑性压溃的临界压力值不断降低;管道外径的增大,降低了同一后挖沟深度下发生屈曲失效的压力值。最后,在后挖沟深度与外部静水压力组成的区域内,建立屈曲失效临界关系曲线,并划分出工作区和压溃区,为深海管道后挖沟埋管的施工提供工程参考。  相似文献   
由于海水中富集大量可溶性盐类及各种金属离子成分,利用海水配置的海水泥浆具有相对密度大、胶体率低、稳定性差、失水量高等特点,不能满足泥水平衡盾构施工要求。为实现对海水泥浆改性以达到利用海水泥浆维持开挖面稳定,降低穿江越海盾构施工成本,选用CMC(羧甲基纤维素钠)、纤维素PAC(聚阴离子纤维素)、聚丙烯酸铵等8种添加剂进行海水泥浆性质变化试验,优选出对海水泥浆改性明显的添加剂,并分析优选添加剂掺入量和时间对海水泥浆性质的影响规律。同时,基于优选的添加剂CMC,利用泥膜形成试验平台进行改性海水泥浆地层渗透试验。研究表明:不同添加剂对海水泥浆性质变化差异较大,增黏剂PAC、CMC对海水泥浆的改性效果稍好,24 h离析出现浑浊层、混合层、絮凝沉淀层。海水泥浆对地层渗透的滤水量大于改性海水泥浆,泥皮也稍厚,但呈稀疏状态。可以推测,添加剂中和部分海水成分,呈絮凝沉淀,多余添加剂表现出对淡水泥浆的增稠作用。  相似文献   
Strain style, magnitude and distribution within mass‐transport complexes (MTCs) are important for understanding the process evolution of submarine mass flows and for estimating their runout distances. Structural restoration and quantification of strain in gravitationally driven passive margins have been shown to approximately balance between updip extensional and downdip contractional domains; such an exercise has not yet been attempted for MTCs. We here interpret and structurally restore a shallowly buried (c. 1,500 mbsf) and well‐imaged MTC, offshore Uruguay using a high‐resolution (12.5 m vertical and 15 × 12.5 m horizontal resolution) three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection survey. This allows us to characterise and quantify vertical and lateral strain distribution within the deposit. Detailed seismic mapping and attribute analysis shows that the MTC is characterised by a complicated array of kinematic indicators, which vary spatially in style and concentration. Seismic‐attribute extractions reveal several previously undocumented fabrics preserved in the MTC, including internal shearing in the form of sub‐orthogonal shear zones, and fold‐thrust systems within the basal shear zone beneath rafted‐blocks. These features suggest multiple transport directions and phases of flow during emplacement. The MTC is characterised by a broadly tripartite strain distribution, with extensional (e.g. normal faults), translational and contractional (e.g. folds and thrusts) domains, along with a radial frontally emergent zone. We also show how strain is preferentially concentrated around intra‐MTC rafted‐blocks due to their kinematic interactions with the underlying basal shear zone. Overall, and even when volume loss within the frontally emergent zone is included, a strain difference between extension (1.6–1.9 km) and contraction (6.7–7.3 km) is calculated. We attribute this to a combination of distributed, sub‐seismic, ‘cryptic’ strain, likely related to de‐watering, grain‐scale deformation and related changes in bulk sediment volume. This work has implications for assessing MTCs strain distribution and provides a practical approach for evaluating structural interpretations within such deposits.  相似文献   
高温高压下海底管道的整体屈曲稳定性分析是管道设计的重要组成部分,而选取多长的管道进行分析对其整体屈曲稳定性结果影响显著。依据临界管长将管道分为"长管"与"短管",基于动力显式分析方法,揭示了长管与短管在发生整体屈曲过程中,屈曲幅值与波长、管壁轴向压力、轴向应变及轴向位移的变化规律;研究了土体约束力影响管道临界长度的规律性,分析了土体约束力系数对长管与短管整体屈曲变形的影响。研究发现,土体约束力对短管的整体屈曲行为影响显著,短管的整体屈曲幅值随土体约束力系数的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势。该项研究对区分不同长度管道的整体屈曲类型进而采取有效防控措施具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
杨少鹏  拾兵 《海洋科学》2018,42(3):121-130
海底管线作为海洋工程的重要组成部分,其安全性受到广泛关注。本文简单回顾了国内外学者通过物理实验、理论分析与数值模拟等方法研究海底管线冲刷悬空及防护问题的成果,并对工程中应用较广泛的防护方法的优缺点进行了简单对比,为该领域的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   
海底地下水排放(SGD)是近海海域的一个重要的营养盐来源。本研究借助多种天然镭同位素对春季苏北浅滩海域的SGD及其携带入海的营养盐通量进行量化评估。研究发现:苏北浅滩海域的~(224)Ra、~(223)Ra和~(226)Ra等镭同位素的浓度水平较高,呈现近岸高、远岸低的分布趋势;根据~(224)Ra/~(226)Ra的"表观年龄模型"估算的水龄的分布情况推断,春季该海域表层水体主体流向为东北向,流速约为0.1m/s,这与前人物理海洋数值模拟结果一致;最终利用226Ra质量平衡模型发现海域的SGD通量为(46±29)cm/d,由其携带入海的溶解态无机氮、磷、硅营养盐(DIN、 DIP、 DSi)等的通量分别为(2.6±3.1)×1~09、(3.0±2.5)×10~6和(5.5±4.2)×10~8mol/d。  相似文献   
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